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Debunking 3 Popular Myths about Retiring in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has been a favorite haven for retirement for many years. Due to the scenic beauty, stable economy, favorable policies for foreigners and the tropical climate, many people call it the Switzerland of Latin America! However, some people have certain apprehensions about moving to Costa Rica and starting their new life here. We debunk 3 such popular myths to help you make your decision:

Costa Rica is Too Costly

If you pick Costa Rica condos for sale in certain areas, life can be pretty affordable for you here. Stay away from the suburbs of San Jose if you want to enjoy life without spending too much. In most other suburbs and towns, prices of land, property tax, and living expenses are quite low, making it perfect for those who are living on a pension. Plus, the relaxed lifestyle helps you enjoy your retirement years in full glory!

Lack of Good Medical Care

Some foreigners complain that medical care isn't as fast in Costa Rica. However, the truth is, you can easily find reliable English speaking doctors here at any time. Many doctors, even more, house calls in certain areas. Costa Rica is also home to some specialty hospitals that offer quality health care services.

There Are Too Many Tourists

Costa Rica is definitely a famous tourist destination but if you live off the beaten trail, you won't even notice the tourist season. The lifestyle here is consistent at a leisurely pace, making your retirement years truly golden and enjoyable.
If you are looking for a simpler and quieter life, look for a retirement home in Costa Rica and enjoy your life amongst like-minded individuals.